Film Forum

Episode Recap

Episode 5


Films Reviewed: Kill Bill Volume One and Out of Time

Commentary: the locale that is South Florida

Featurette: Behind the Scenes of Out of Time

Regarding Kill Bill Volume One:

Matt: Oh, man!  Quentin Tarantino's first film in six years and it was so worth the wait!  Hyper-violent and oozing cool!  Bring on Volume Two!  Four Stars!

Aron: Man, I had a great time watching this!  Uma Thurman rocks and it doesn't want to let us breathe! Like Matt said, bring on Volume Two!  Four Stars as well!

Average Rating: Four stars (out of four)

Regarding Out of Time:

Aron: This was a fun movie to watch.  Denzel Washington was a blast in this film, and it had the right amounts of chemistry and intrigue.  Three stars.

Matt: I have to agree.  This is a sleazy movie for smart people and I didn't see a lot of the plot twists coming.  Plus Denzel didn't give us Training Day: Miami.  Three stars as well.

Average Rating: Three stars (out of four)

Commentary: Bienvenido a Miami.  We took a look at several movies that take place in and around Miami and South Florida.  Films included Some Like it Hot, Bad Boys, The Birdcage, Wild Things and Scarface.

Featurette: Behind the scenes of Out of Time, starring Denzel Washington, Eva Mendes and Dean Cain.

*no tape of this show exists due to technical difficulties