Film Forum
Episode Recap
Episode 9
Films Reviewed: The League of Extraordinary
Gentlemen and Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle
Commentary: The recent Hollywood deaths
Special Feature: Pink’s video from Charlie’s
Regarding The League of Extraordinary
Matt: ”This is one of the best films
I’ve seen this summer.It is filled with literary in-jokes, slam-bang
action and an all around great time!Sean Connery can still kick
butt.Four stars!”
Aron: “I did like it, but not as strongly
as Matt.Still, it’s quite entertaining and features some fine
performances all around.Three stars.”
Average rating: Three and a half stars
Regarding Charlie’s Angels: Full
Aron: “What a Charlie’s Angels
film should be.Nicely done by all involved.Three stars.”
Matt: “An improvement over the first
filmBernie Mac can keep the role of Bosley if he wants it.Three stars.”
Average rating: Three stars
Commentary: The deaths of Gregory Peck, Hume
Cronyn, Katharine Hepburn, N!xau and Barry White
Special Feature: Pink’s video for Charlie’s
Angels: Full Throttle