Film Forum
Episode Recap
Episode 3
Films Reviewed: Sin City and The Interpreter
Commentary: Sydney Pollack, director
Featurette: Behind the scenes of The Interpreter
Regarding Sin City:
Matt: The best translation from graphic novel to screen ever made! Robert Rodriguez brings Frank Miller's tales to brilliant life with a fantastic all star cast. Don't look for morals here, because you will not find any. But you will find a wonderful looking film. Four stars!!
Aron: This is a misogynistic mess. None of the women in this film are treated with any respect whatsoever. Not the kind of film you want to take your children, your parents, your significant other or anyone to. One star.
Average Rating: **1/2 (out of ****)
Regarding The Interpreter:
Aron: A really good vehicle for Nicole Kidman and Sean Penn. Plus, the story will keep you guessing until the very end. Three stars.
Matt: If it's one thing Sydney Pollack can direct, it's thrillers. And he delivers another fine effort here. Three stars as well.
Average Rating: *** (out of ****)
Commentary: While Sydney Pollack has had a distinguished career in front of the camera, he's also been known to step behind it as well. Aron and Matt took a look at some of his films involving the CIA, cross-dressing and Memphis, Tennessee.
Featurette: Behind the scenes of The Interpreter, starring Nicole Kidman and Sean Penn