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Matt, Aron, and Denise helped crew on an upcoming feature film, Knuckle Sandwich from Dogmatic Films. 

Here are some pictures from the shoot and premiere:

Adding Extra Light to Film at The Greenspot

Turning night/evening into day at the Country Kitchen

Setting up track inside the Country Kitchen

Lighting for a Scene in the Country Kitchen

Setting up track outside

Adding Extra oustide light to The Green Spot

Setting up track inside the Dalton Depot     

Setting up outside

Getting ready to shoot inside the Dalton Depot

Tracks at The Green Spot

Shooting Outside The Dalton Police Station

Flags and Video Village

Aron hanging with the "homies"

Producer (Norman Lehnert), Director (Ryan Minningham), Sound (Aron Siegel), Script Supervisor (Robin Meyers) 

Robin and Matt Take 5

Matt booming a scene

Aron logging a scene in the Sound Report

Aron and Lori Mullins (Makeup/Boom) getting ready for a scene

J.P. Bond and Aron surveying the scene for sound setup

Film Forum Technical Director Denise Adelman as Production assistant.

Aron Siegel and star Andrea Andes 

Aron Siegel and star Michael Monks

Where's Waldo?..No..Where's Aron!

"Boom Boom Girl" Lori Mullins and Aron Siegel

Aron stands-in while the A.D. and Art department look on

Matt, Aron and local Daltonite Sanna

Star Michael Monks with Lori Mullins (Makeup)

Last day of the Dalton shoot with entire cast and crew

The Wink Theater Marquis On July 17, 2004

John Fordham and Ryan Miningham take the stage.

Fordham and Miningham introduce the film.

The title screen.

One of the first scenes of Knuckle Sandwich .


Matt, John, Carly, Ryan and Aron 


A very dark pic of the group.  John Fordham, Matt Ceccato, Aron Siegel, Carly  Leonard, Ryan Miningham, Aron Siegel

Another dark pic--this time with Aron, Carly, Denise Adelman, and Matt Ceccato


Photos by Aron Siegel, Matt Ceccato, and Denise Adelman


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Last modified: June 21, 2014